
Career Momentum Workbook (Combined Worksheets).pdf

How this works

As a student, you'll get a few great benefits from being here:

  • Short video course content. I pull together ideas, questions and approaches for you to work from.
  • Questions and exercises. Quick and provocative tasks to help you create a framework for exploration, skill development and action.
  • Supplementary material. Each topic will have 'further reading', from exclusive replays of guest session from The Architect Project, to recommendations for podcasts, books and videos.
  • Live virtual reflection session. Each quarter I hold a virtual reflection session which is your chance to chat with me about your experience and questions.

How to Get the Most Out of Career Momentum Course

We’re here to get results and we know you are too. Here’s the best way for each of us to get there:

Write down your answers, ideas and commitments. I know it's tempting to follow along in your head, but studies show you get far more from a course by writing down your responses, and by sharing your experience with fellow students.

Set a good pace for yourself. Don't binge the course at a speed that doesn't allow you to digest and build your understanding, but also don't let it drag on at the risk of losing interest.

Attend the virtual reflection session. We’re here to push each other forward and lift each other up. Find ways to help each other think bigger, reframe challenges, and stay curious.

I recommend reading this short blog post by Seth Godin to get into the right frame of mind to get the most out of this course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: TO RECIEVE EMAILS ABOUT QUARTERLY GROUP SESSIONS you must not have opted-out of receiving instructional and promotional emails via your profile settings. Double check this to make sure you don't miss out!

Let's get started!

p.s. You may hear mention throughout the course of 'Mighty Networks' and 'The Architect Project'. These are earlier versions of a platform that hosted this course and a membership community that are no longer active.


If you don't know much about me, here's a short video that was produced for the 2020 Emerging Architect Prize:

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